
The University of Arizona has increased bachelor’s degrees earned by Hispanic students by 79%, between 2011 and 2020. In 2020, Hispanic students made up 25% of undergraduate degree recipients, compared to 17% in 2011. From the Fall 2014 cohort, full-time, first-generation Hispanic students had a 6-year graduation rate of 62.2%. Comparatively, the 6-year graduation rate for the same population of students in STEM degrees was only 42.7% and the 6-year graduation rate for STEM students who are both Hispanic and Pell Grant eligible was 36.3%. The gains in Hispanic and low-income graduation rates have been modest in STEM degrees and the data show an urgent need to accelerate institutional change.

Project CREAR takes a comprehensive approach to the overarching goal of increasing Hispanic and low-income students’ degree attainment in STEM fields. Using integrative, evidence-based strategies related to curriculum, student services, professional development, and leveraging technology, Project CREAR will implement strategies that improve academic success for Hispanic and low-income students pursuing STEM degrees.

Project CREATS's four strategies are to provide:

Scaled up STEM student learning communities


Couse-based undergraduate research experiences


STEM articulation tools


Training on culturally responsive teaching and mentoring